Starting at 6 p.m.
So late?
I've got the address
written down.
11 rue de l'Eglise
Someone will be there.
Ican't believe it.
My God, l can't believe it!
How can l thank you?
Your joy's my reward,
dear Madam.
Ladies, l'm visiting
the house this evening!
Is it possible?
Where is it?
Rue de l'Eglise
Rue de l'Eglise!
The nightmare's over and
all that is thanks to Mr. Thomas!
And we thought you were joking!
God bless you!
God bless...
l'll get you some port.
We'll drink a little port.
Some port, Mr. Thomas?
Yes... with pleasure.
- Everything ok?
- Yes, fine.
I'm so glad to see you laugh.
It's almost too fine.
I'm afraid l'll be a kill-joy.
The hospital has never
seen your "moribund".
You're sure?
Isn't his name Paul Thomas?
he's unknown to the regiment.
It doesn't surprise me.
He looks about as ill as l do.
It doesn't worry me at all.
I'm glad to know the truth.
What is it?
Nothing. You have
a tiptop character!
We're going to x-ray your little boy.
Iwas sure l'd find you here.