You brought me luck!
I've got to confess something.
Listen, please.
It's true, l'm not sick.
Father Regnier asked
me to watch you.
- I know that.
- Forgive me, please.
I'm so ashamed.
Iadmit it was ugly,
but l didn't understand.
Now l know he was
completely wrong about you.
Itold him so,
and l'll repeat it.
You're a good person.
Exactly the mother
Michel needs.
Ibeg you to forgive me.
I'm so sorry... so ashamed.
Let me do something for you.
Let me take you to the airport.
Then l'll know you've
forgiven me... Please!
No, l won't.
Don't be spiteful.
Understand me.
Iknow you're not mean.
No, l can't afford the luxury.
What do you mean?
Come, tell me.
Or l'll never forgive myself.
Don't be stupid!
It won't be a disaster
if l go alone.
Helen, don't go!
It's impossible!
To make me happy
let me at least
give you a candy.
That's enough!
We're not kids anymore.