Le Voyou

You'll take a Simca taxi, right?
We'll never find a Simca cab.
A gentleman will meet you there
and give you your tickets.

You'll be ushered to your seats...
where you'll wait for the grand finale.
Give your son the telephone bill
that proves you're really Longchamp 45-85.

After the show is over,
your son will go on stage...

and collect his Matra junior from Lady Luck.
- Hello?
- Yes?

Hello? What about us?
Just one last reminder,
you have one half-hour...

to get to the Olympia Music Hall
by Simca taxi.

Are you serious?
The audience here at the Olympia
would love to hear you scream:

"Thank you, Simca."
- Thank you, Simca.
- Thank you.

Is your son there?
How about him saying, "Thank you, Simca"?
Oh, yes, he's right here.
Daniel, come here, quick.

Hold on just a second,
he's coming to the phone.

Loud and clear. Say, "Thank you, Simca."
Now may I ask if your husband's there?

Thank you, Simca.
Well done. What a fabulous family.
I'm delighted you're the ones
Lady Luck has chosen.

May we hear all three together?
Thank you, Simca!
Wonderful, madam.
Hurry. If you have a transistor,
you won't miss a minute...

of Sacha Distel's show,
live on Europe One...

until your arrival at the Olympia.
Always tune in to Europe Number One.
Goodbye, madam.
Are we going or not?
I hope this whole thing isn't a joke.
You never think it will happen to you.
- Got the bill?
- I've got two.
