Good evening.
How is Daniel?
Happy as he can be. He's all right.
It's been the most fabulous Christmas
he ever had.
Why have you kept me waiting?
Well, you see, I was held up...
by the café owners, the reporters,
and the police.
What were the police after?
Nothing to worry about.
A description of the car.
I gave them the license number,
as you told me to.
Where's the money?
It's on ice.
What about mine?
Yours is on ice, too.
But we agreed I was to get my share tonight.
I changed my mind.
Tomorrow they'll print the numbers
of all the bills in the newspapers.
It would be suicide to use that money
for at least six months.
In a little while, you'll quit the bank...
because of your health, your heart.
You'll quietly slip out of the country.
Only then will you get your money.
What proof do I have that you're not lying?
But you might give me a little advance.
You've been broke for 40 years.
You can wait another six months.
I already told you, it's on ice.
But that's not what we agreed.
What we're agreeing to right now
is that you'll get your money in six months.
Forget it.
That wasn't what we agreed upon.