After serving five years in the penitentiary...
in relative seclusion...
Simon the Swiss seems suddenly
to want to return to our consumer society...
and to see his name
in the headlines once again.
With style, huh?
Not style. With class.
- Miss. Mr. Mayor.
- Good day, sir.
Maria, Simon.
- No Italian.
- I'm sorry, I forgot.
Would you tell the warden that
we're ready to start the ceremony?
Come in.
- Warden, they're ready.
- I'm coming.
- How are you?
- Fine, and you?
We should get going,
now that everyone's here.
- How's your wife?
- Fine.
- Feeling better?
- Yes, thanks.
First, I'd like to ask the best man
to stand over here...
on my right, as is customary.
Right next to the warden.
You are the best man, I believe?
Yes, Mr. Mayor.
"Article 212:
Man and wife must render unto each other...
"fidelity, succor, and assistance.
"Article 213:
The husband shall be head of the family.
"He is responsible for the mutual welfare
and well-being of the home and children.
"Article 215:
The family's place of residence...
"shall be determined by the husband.
"The wife shall be obliged to live with him,
and he shall be obliged to support her."
Do you, Mr. Aldo Ferrari,
take as your lawfully wedded wife...
Miss Maria Castillo, here present?
Do you, Miss Maria Castillo,
take as your lawfully wedded husband...
Mr. Aldo Ferrari, here present?
Then, in accordance
with the law of the land...
you are hereby united in marriage.
Finally, I must ask you to sign the registry,
if you would.
Thank you very much.