At 6:35 p.m., just moments ago,
we received word...
that Simon the Swiss was spotted
at Montparnasse station...
getting off a train which had just pulled in.
He managed to shake off his pursuers...
who chased him into the streets.
They lost him in a crowd
just outside two movie theaters.
He is believed to have slipped
into one of them.
If so, Simon the Swiss has
an ironic choice of films:
The Confession and The Gangster.
Simon would be true to form
if he were to have chosen The Gangster...
the new musical based on the high jinks
of a small-time gangster.
I hope he saw The Confession,
but I am being partial.
And to capture Simon the Swiss...
police must follow better clues
than my own personal taste in movies.
Thank you.
All the evil I'm doing
Police. Has anyone out of breath
come in in a hurry?
- Wearing a dark coat?
- We better have a look.
This way, please.
Though my people destroy me
My fame will grow
The world will know
Of Le Voyou
What's the problem?
No problem.
What time is it?
Tell me, Charlie.
You're sure about the place?
Quiet. Isolated. Just great.
Your toothbrush is to the right of the sink.