It's stupid to kill him.
He's already dead.
If he's already dead,
we ought to publish his memoirs.
Sit down.
Sit down, Gallois.
Do you know how to write?
I'll dictate.
"I, the undersigned...
"Charles Gallois...
"head of the investment division...
"of the European Bank of Credit...
"hereby declare
that I alone was the instigator...
"of the kidnapping of my son..."
Write, Gallois.
"...that I alone was the instigator
of the kidnapping of my own son...
"perpetrated on May 22, 1965, in Paris..."
You're going too fast.
It's too fast.
"...that I alone was the instigator
of the kidnapping of my own son...
"perpetrated on May 22, 1965, in Paris...
"and for which...
"Simon Duroc, alias the Swiss...
"was unjustly imprisoned."
Underline the word "unjustly."
Good, yeah, great.
"The idea was mine...
"and mine alone..."
"...mine and mine alone...
"to kidnap my son in order to obtain...
"from the bank where I'm employed..."
I said write!
Write, Gallois, and write fast.
"The idea was mine and mine alone...