Little Big Man

Poor boy. Poor darling.
Think of the years of suffering,
deprivation and hardship...

...among those awful savages.
The boy's deprivation, my dear,
has been more spiritual than physical.

The Indians know nothing
of God and moral right.

They eat human flesh, fornicate,
adulterise, misogynise,...

...and commune constantly
with minions of the devil.

It must be our task...
nay, our Christian duty,...

- beat the misery out.
- Beat the poor boy?

- Not while there's breath in my body.
- I could have kissed her.

I didn't mean beat him literally.
I meant beat him symbolically.
Poor boy. He hasn't
even had a proper bath.

- I detect the odour of food.
- I shall wash this poor boy.

It's supper time.
It is my Christian duty to give
this boy an immediate, thorough bath.

- Take your clothes off.
- Off?

- Yes.
- All of them?

Every stitch. But I shall avert
my eyes at the necessary moment.

Bringing in the sheaves
Bringing in the sheaves
We shall come rejoicing
Bringing in the sheaves
Greatest bath I ever had in my life.
Shall we gather at the river?
The beautiful, the beautiful river?
