Little Big Man

It is my mission
to pass on to you...

Meriweather was one
of the smartest men I ever knowed,...

...but he tended to lose
parts of himself.

When I joined him, his left hand
and his left ear were already gone.

We might see a miracle,
one I have witnessed before.

The power of this elixir
has been proven...

During my years with Meriweather,...
...he lost an eye
as a result of a fifth ace...

...dropping out his sleeve
in a poker game.

It didn't faze him, though.
Deception was his life's blood,...

...even if it caused him to get
whittled down kind of gradual like.

You're improving. You just can't seem
to get rid of that streak of honesty.

The one that ruined you
was that Indian, Old Tepee.

- You mean Old Lodge Skins?
- He gave you a vision...

...of moral order in the universe,
and there isn't any.

Those stars twinkle in a void,
dear boy,...

...and the two-legged creature schemes
and dreams beneath them, all in vain.

All in vain, Jack.
- You hear anything?
- Listen to me!

Men will believe anything,
the more preposterous the better.

Whales speak French
at the bottom of the sea.

The horses of Arabia
have silver wings.

Pygmies mate with elephants
in darkest Africa.

I have sold all those propositions.
Well, maybe we're all fools
and none of it matters.
