Love Story

Hello, Florence. This is Jenny.
"Master"? I always knew
you had slaves.

Let me take your wrap.
Your parents are in the drawing room.

Thank you, Florence.
Half the buildings of
Harvard are hanging there.

Oh, it's nothing.
You're related to
the Sewell Boathouse?

Yes, I come from a long
line of wood and stone.

Hello, there.
- Meet Jennifer Calaveri.
- Cavilleri.

- As in "Cavalleria Rusticana"?
- Right. No relation.

- Hello, Mom.
- Hello, darling.

Nice to meet you.
How are you, son?

Fine, sir, fine.
Please sit down and
make yourself at home.

We'll have to be going soon.
Why are you so uncomfortable
with your parents?

- Why did you want to leave at once?
- I didn't like how they treated you.

"What is it your parents are in?"
- What is it your people are in?
- My father bakes cookies.

- What's the name of his firm?
- Phil's Bake Shop.

- Of Cranston, Rhode Island.
- How interesting...

- So your people are from Cranston?
- Mostly. Mother is from Fall River.

- The Barretts have mills there.
- Where they exploited the poor.

In the 19th century.
