Father, you don't know
the time of day!
We're looking forward to
having you with us next year.
Me too, Dean Thompson.
- Something has come up.
- Not a change of heart?
No, I'm still set
on Law School, but...
I'm going to need a scholarship.
- Really?
- That's why I'm here.
That's rather curious,
considering your background.
- I'm not his son any more.
- I beg your pardon?
We have had a misunderstanding.
It's a parting of the ways.
- This is very unfortunate.
- I'm not exactly jumping for joy.
We have many entering students
in far worse straits than you.
What's worse than destitution?
I'm getting married next month.
We'll work all summer, and then
Jenny will teach in a private school.
That's a living, but not tuition.
Your tuition is pretty steep.
I need a scholarship.
I have already been accepted.
- I don't have any money.
- You have a millionaire father.
HAD. Why should I be penalised just
because I was related to a rich man?
Mr Barrett...
..I really don't think this office
should enter into a family quarrel.