
I thought you might like a sip
of wine, general. It's New Year's.

You didn't celebrate at all
last night.

I'm sick of sitting around this. . .
. . .royal doghouse.
We've taken Sicily.
I'm ready for a new assignment.

Maybe you've got it.
Here's a radio message, just came in.

I've been relieved.
They've relieved me from command
of the 7th Army.

I don't believe it.
Happy New Year.
Just a minute, sir.
Since they're sure to give you
another command. . .

. . .isn't it logical they'd
relieve you here first?

You mean command of all American
troops going into Europe?

It's possible. I know it's been
discussed from time to time.

The logic of it is so obvious,
it couldn't mean anything else.

Sir, I'm going to open
this bottle of wine.

No, Sir Cod. . .
. . .but if you find a bottle of cognac,
I'll help you drink it.

-How you feeling tonight, general?
-Not bad, not bad at all.

-Get me some writing paper, will you?
-Yes, sir.

Your wife ever give you the devil
for not writing?

All the time, sir.
Only I don't write as often as you
do. Don't seem to get around to it.

Lucky for us we got them.
Who wants to marry a couple of
broken-down old horse captains?

That's what my wife says to me
every time I come home, sir.
