
Until today. . .
. . .my only experience
at welcoming has been. . .

. . .to welcome Germans and Italians
to the infernal region.

At this I have been
quite successful. . .

. . .since the troops, which I have had
the honor to command. . .

. . .have, to date, killed or captured. . .
. . .some 1 70,000 of our enemies.
I feel that such clubs as these
are of very real value. . .

. . .because I believe
with Mr. Bernard Shaw. . .

. . .that the British and the Americans
are two peoples. . .

. . .separated by a common language.
Since it is the destiny of the British
and Americans to rule the world. . .

. . .the better we know each other. . .
. . .the better we will do it.
The Russians,
don't forget the Russians.

I think that a club like this. . .
. . .is an ideal place
for promoting mutual understanding.

Because as soon as our soldiers meet
and get to know the English ladies. . .

. . .and write home and tell our women
just how lovely you truly are. . .

. . .then the sooner the American ladies
will get jealous. . .

. . .and force this war
to a quick termination.

And then I'll get the chance to go
to the Pacific and kill Japanese.
