Come on,pick up your feet.
- This box is pretty heavy, Lieutenant.- Gold usually is.
Come on, get a hold of it in there.
- Get in there with it, and stay there.- Yes, sir.
Tell Colonel McNally the train's ready.
- We're waiting instructions.- Yes, sir.
Tell Colonel McNallythe train is ready.
- Waiting instructions.- Thanks.
I'm sorry to disturb you, Colonel.
You were told to, Lieutenant.You'd have been sorrier if you hadn't.
Yes, sir.
- What do you want?- A message from Plainsburg.
- What does Lieutenant Forsythe want?- Further instructions, sir.
You tell the Lieutenant to get in that car,
and stay there until I knock on the door.
Yes, sir.
- Sergeant, the gold's on the train.- Did you hear that?
The Colonel says for youto get in that car
and stay thereuntil he knocks on the door.
Good luck, Lieutenant.
Let's go.
Hey, Sergeant.The train's left Plainsburg.
You all hear that?Keep on listening.