The Hawaiians

Have you got Mai Pake?
No. But every night I look.
Now, you and me got secret,

Africa is smart. Much study.
Better he be lawyer.

But he can't be.
They don't want any Chinese lawyers.

Five sons. Why did
Kee Mun Ki have five sons?

So, the house of Kee
would be big and strong.

In China, big, strong family
always has a lawyer.

But they won't teach me here.
I'd have to go to America.

You go to America.
But having to send money to mother
in China, we could never afford it.

So, we'll make more money.
Restaurant too little,
make it bigger.

Garden too little,
make it bigger.

But, we haven't any more land.
We get more land.
I'm sorry, it's impossible.
Impossible come back
from Molokai.
