The French won't export any.
I had a sailor friend steal this
seed plant, and smuggle it out.
It looks dead.
Just about. Ill take
a green thumb like yours.
Plant them among the vegetables,
and don't say a word.
If you can make them grow
and taste sweet...
I'll smuggle out some more
to plan at Hanakai.
We grow.
We grow.
You, come with me.
Maybe Captain Hoxworth
will loan us money.
Money? For what?
Buy littee bittee land.
You'll like. I know.
No good buying land
in this country.
I want a field.
Buy field in China.
I want a field here.
No savvy Punti!
You savvy Punti yesterday.
A little bit, one word.
You learn savvy Punti!
Too old!
Not smart.