- Looks like you're in for an easy night.
- So far, so good.
I hope it stays this quiet
after the votes are counted.
(woman) Yes on Proposition Four.
May I help you?
How long have you known this man?
18 years.
If it's relief money, we don't want it.
How's about putting up a few posters?
It'll help take the kinks
out of your rheumatism.
No, don't waste a stamp. We'll send over
our armoured truck to pick it up. Angelo!
Uh-oh. I was afraid I was becoming
too controversial. How are you?
- So-so. Nice sermon, Logan.
- Thank you. Where's Valerie?
This is Lieutenant Kenner, Homicide.
Inspector Deutsch, Homicide.
The Reverend Logan Sharpe.
- What's the occasion?
- Joy.
- Joy Sturges?
- Yeah.
- Is there someplace better we can talk?
- Sure. This way.
We can't afford TV spots. You gotta do
something to get the coverage for free,
Iike maybe stand on your head
on top of a cable car or something.
(phone ringing)
- Hello?
- (man) I've got it down here, Reverend.
Joy... Has something happened to Joy?
She was found dead tonight.
She was killed.
Oh! How... how... how'd it happen?