- (37) Roger.
- I can't stand it! Let me go!
You're treating him like a fish on a hook!
Would you like a cup of coffee?
No. No, thank you.
Inspector 37 to headquarters.
Go ahead, 37.
Suspect proceeding
across bridge at normal speed.
(phone rings)
- Tibbs.
- This is O'Connor at Woody Garfield's.
Hold on.
- Go ahead.
- There's a hamper in the bathroom.
Dirty clothes full of fibre fuzz.
We thinK it's IiKe the rug.
- What kind of clothes?
- Underwear and socKs.
- Underwear?
- Is there any blood?
Not that I can see.
- Bring 'em in anyway.
- Yes, sir.
(phone rings)
He is?
I'm going down to Communications.
You hang tight here.
Right, 37.
Affirmative. Right.