"We recommend that the Air Corps...
...maintain a thorough
360-degree search...
...of the Hawaiian area
during daylight.
This will require a force of
180 B-17 airplanes. "
We can't search the sea approaches...
...unless we have the planes, sir.
One hundred and eighty B-17s?
For God's sakes, that's more than
the number existing in the States.
It looks fine on paper, but that's
not a paper fleet out there.
Squadron from the Enterprise.
Bill Halsey's working
the tails off his men.
Wish we had more like him.
Makes the most of what he's got.
Doesn't keep asking for the moon.
Well, not one bomb anywhere in
the target for the past hour.
Your pilots can see it, I suppose.
- Who's next?
- It's Anderson, sir.
Now, that's more like it.
- Maybe your boys finally get it.
- I hope so, sir.
Who's next?
Lieutenant Dickenson.
Tell Lieutenant Dickenson for me...
...he couldn't hit a bull
in the butt with a bass fiddle.
Yes, sir.