It's not an ideal radar sight,
but at least we got a permit.
Let's get the other units working.
Easier said than done.
What do you mean?
We have to get all six units adjusted
and link them by phone to headquarters.
That means training men to operate
an information center...
...so they know what to do
with the information.
Take it easy, Murph.
- You'll figure it out.
- Yeah, I'll figure it out.
Don't just stand there.
You know how to operate this thing.
We know the theory.
Let's put that theory into practice.
- Switch on.
- Yes, sir.
Stay put and keep watching the screen.
In two hours, close down.
I'll send a truck to pick you up.
Excuse me, sir,
but what are we watching for?
Anything unusual.
Any large blip coming from the sea.
Colonel, if we do spot something,
what do we do?
Report it to headquarters, damn it.
- How, sir?
- What?
We haven't got a telephone, sir.
There's a gas station
a mile down the road.
They must have a phone.
We got 183 combat planes
on this base, general.
The way they're parked now, a one-eyed
monkey hanging from a balloon...
...could scatter them to hell
with one hand grenade.
Don't blame me.
General Short gave the order.
Come in.
- Sir, Lieutenants Taylor and Welch.
- Okay, send them in.