Moderate Acceptance
– Directed by Richard Fleischer
– More Million Dollar Mystery Red Sonja Conan the Destroyer Tough Enough Amityville 3-D
– Language
Tora! Tora! Tora!
Tora! Tora! Tora! (トラ・トラ・トラ!, Tora! Tora! Tora!?) is a 1970 film that dramatizes the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the series of American blunders that unintentionally improved its effectiveness. The title is the code-words that were used by the Japanese to indicate that complete surprise was achieved. (Using a repetition of the Japanese word for tiger, though whether this meaning was specifically intended is unknown.) At the time it was released into theaters, it was a financial disaster but over the years, purchase of the recorded versions allowed a profit. The movie was critically acclaimed for its vivid action scenes (in fact several later films relating to World War II in the Pacific would use footage from Tora, Tora, Tora) as well as its almost documentary accuracy. Its most famous line, however, though widely assumed to be a quotation, turned out to be fictitious.
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Tora! Tora! Tora!
:03:38 Ster cã noul nostru comandant-ºef
nu-i atât se laº pe cât se zvoneºte.
:03:42 Orice s-ar zice, Yamamoto este
tipul de comandant de care avem nevoie.
:03:47 Crede în importanþa
utilizãrii avionului.
:03:49 Atunci, de ce au pus un viceministru
al Marinei într-un post atât de important?
:03:54 Poate cã lui Yamamoto
nu-i prieºte clima de la Tokyo.
:03:58 Armata de uscat nu-l suferã
pentru cã se opune politicii ei.
:04:04 ªi a fugit pe mare,
ca sã-l pãzeascã întreaga flotã.