How charming, how elegant
She was the wife of a marquis, but
she got mixed up with Don Lope...
He challenged the marquis to a duel;
it even got into the papers
There's no better gentleman, but once
Don Lope lays eyes on a skirt...
Get up, Tristana
You're not here as a servant, that's
Saturna's job; you're her mistress
I'm exhausted; I've walked so far today
- Shall I fetch your slippers?
- Thank you, you're an angel
I'm sorry you're shut up in the house
like this
I can hardly take you to the café
with me
If you'd like to go to the theatre
you must say so
Shall I tell you something?
You're very adorable. I only want you
to love me like a father
You are very kind
Visitors! I'd forgotten all about them
- Will you receive them in slippers?
- It doesn't matter; they're friends
We can't stay long
- When is the encounter?
- Tomorrow