Why so silent? Carry on
running me down
No one would dare to, Don Lope
Why not? We dare to talk about you
when you're not here
And we tear you apart, so I don't see
why you should spare me
You seem to feel it would be
disrespectful not to discuss you
Frankly, we're running out of subjects;
we'd discussed everything but you
We were commenting on the rumour that
you are abandoning affairs of honour
Is it true?
It's true, Comandante. Men are not
what they were in my day... our day
Past and present share only one taste:
A liking for pretty women
I agree, although there's so much
effeminacy today
It's always intrigued me how you can
be so strict in matters of honour...
...yet so liberal when it comes to
matters of the heart
That's a very apt question, gentlemen
In matters of love and women I don't
admit the existence of sin
- lf only that were true!
- What about the Ten Commandments?
I respect them all, except those
which refer to our sex
I'm sure that, for political reasons,
Moses added them to the divine ones
So you maintain that when we
catch a girl...
All I can say is, if she consents, and
it's up to us to make her consent...