- How much?
- 2,000 pesetas
You say it's genuine; no signature,
but it seems to be well authenticated
I'd only offer 3,000 pesetas to anyone
else, but...
I don't accept favours. Give me 5,000
But the sum I had in mind...
Don't try to make your sum fit
the merchandise. My price is 5,000
Allow me a few moments to make
an inventory
You could have got much more;
it's criminal to sell at that price
I detest haggling
Don't be like that, sir
Go to your saucepans
If I'd known before, I might have...
From this pettifogging pedlar to big
...they're all alike: Bloodsuckers
Let's see what the bandit's doing
Look at them; don't you sense that
cloying conjugal bliss?
I don't understand
Note his bovine air of resignation;
how bored they are