Stay if you like, but shut up!
I thought you weren't coming
I've got a lot to do;
I can't stay long today
You'll go when I say; I want to finish
your portrait
But he didn't go out today
I've prepared coffee and snacks
Why are you scared of your guardian?
Introduce me to him
I don't want anything. I can't stay
You haven't answered me.
Why don't you introduce me?
He's not my guardian; I lied to you
He's my husband, so much the worse
for me
I'm not married to my husband,
my guardian, that man
I'll tell you everything,
but I don't know how to
I know I'm disgraced, but I'm free
to love you
What do you think? Can you forgive me?
Do you prefer me as an unfaithful wife,
or a free person?
Do you love me more, or less?
I've only deceived him. He has no
right over me, understand?
My freedom is well deserved
Sometimes I hate him for
the evil he's done me
At other times, I confess, I feel
affection for him...
...like a daughter - if only he had
loved me like a father