Two Mules for Sister Sara

Whiskey? Thank you.
- Your mule?
- Yes.

No provisions, no canteen?
Just how'd you figure on existing?

I was confident
the Lord would provide.

Three more like them?
He also provided you.
- Which way you headed?
- North.

North, huh?
Well, I'm headed south.
So I'll take those ponies
and be on my way.

First we must cover them with stones.
We can't leave without giving them
a Christian burial of some kind.

- After the way they treated you?
- Of course.

You got to be touched in the head.
Do you have a shovel?
Sister, raise your eyes to heaven.
Now, are they or are they not
God's creatures?

- Of course they are.
- Why rob them of this nourishment?

Do you have a shovel?
Yeah, it's on my packhorse.
Would you get it, please, for the
sake of my soul if not your own?

Sister, I don't mind shootin' 'em
but I'm not gonna sweat over 'em.

You're as stubborn as my mule,
you know?

