Asesinos! ¡Asesinos!
Ma soeur. Ma soeur, s'il vous plaît.
- Venez avec moi.
- I'm sorry. I don't understand.
Please. An officer is dying.
Come with me, please.
- Prenez garde de son animal.
- Oui, mon capitaine.
Even though you are not a priest, you
can give him some spiritual comfort.
Our colonel is very, very ill.
Il est sur le point de mourir.
permettez que la soeur le bénisse.
Deliver his soul
into your soul,
Mary Mother of God...
C'est toi. You filthy bitch!
Kiss the cross. Kiss the cross.
Sister, he was delirious.
Forgive him.
I forgive him.
I forgive him with all my heart.
Now he is with God.