Push it in about a half-inch.
All right.
One last swallow
and it's up to you, Doc.
- Prayin' for me?
- Yes.
Well, then I must be drunk enough.
Damn my eyes,
I find that kind of touchin'.
One last thing, Sister.
The powder will flare up
when I light it, so watch yourself.
Now, you can load up the animals.
We'll be on our way as soon
as you get this stick out of me.
Mr Hogan!
Mr Hogan... Mr Hogan, remember
the train with the French supplies.
You have to blow it up.
- How long since I been hit?
- Hours.
- You fell unconscious.
- Why didn't you wake me up?
- I thought you were...
- You thought. The hell you thought.
You let me down, Sister.
You let me down.