I saved yours twice - the arrow?
What are you gonna do? Are you gonna
desert me in my hour of need?
What about that rattlesnake
when you were hiding?
That was easy, no risk at all.
Did I or did I not come to you
in your hour of need?
This is my hour of need.
What kind of need is your need?
All you have on your mind is money.
What's more important than that?
My life.
If I climb that trestle, I'll fall.
A fine psalm-singing hypocrite
you are.
The French are gonna slaughter
a whole outfit of your Juaristas
and you're the only one
who can help 'em
and you won't climb one lousy,
stinkin' trestle.
That's right, Sister, lean on it.
A little good,
old-fashioned Christian faith
will carry you up there like a bird.
I know you're scared, Sara,
but those braces are easy to climb.
You just keep thinking of all those
Christian lives you'll be saving.
Have faith in that shiny cross
and God and all those saints
will be right up there with you.
You haven't yet told me
how you'll set this off when I...
Let me worry about that. I'll do it
with my rifle. Now get going.
Surely that train's on its way.
Keep goin'.
I want the dynamite up on top
so I can get a clear shot at it.
That's it, Sister.