"...and it appears to be a long..."
"...appears to be a long..."
"...appears to be a long time..."
"...such a long, long,
long, long time..."
"...before the dawn."
Hey, Mike, what's the worst part
of running one of these things?
The worst part?
What's the worst part of running one?
I don't know.
You dig it all?
I guess the biggest hassle is
dealing with politics. You know.
Is there a lot of politics involved?
You mean with the cities?
And you got that solved?
Well, it looks that way.
How long did it take you to put
it together. Two, three months?
Uh, been working on it
for about nine months.
Nine months! Full time?
Are you in charge of the whole thing?
But you got backers?
Partners and backers.
Where are you going to go from here?
I mean, are you going
to do another one?
If it works.
Aw, you're really good tonight!
You know...
...this is the most outrageous spectacle
I've ever witnessed. Ever!
There's only one thing I wish.
I sure have to pee!
And there just is nowhere to go!
I believe we're "GOING UP THE
COUNTRY" a little bit right now.