We were standing on the curbs
watching them come in, uh, last night.
All the townspeople.
It was just like a, an army invading
a town. It's hard to believe.
Do you live here?
No, we're here for a vacation.
Are you having one?
We did, up until last night.
They kept us up for a while.
Who is they?
Is that what you call yourselves?
Well, because that's what
everybody else calls us.
What do you call yourself that for?
Because we admit it. Compared
to everybody else, we're freaks.
I don't think you are. As long as you
behave yourself, there's nothing wrong.
I'm not putting bad connotations on the
word "freak", you know. I'm just...
Don't you think that the word "freak"
itself has a bad connotation?
It's whatever you think about it.
Last time we saw anything like this was
at the Rose Bowl Parade last New Year's.
That's right.
Like four ice cubes
out of the bag, you know.
They wanted to buy four ice cubes?
Yeah, right.
I don't know, what can you charge
them for ice cubes? You know.
It's a great shot in the arm to Sullivan
County, business-wise.
Something we needed.
As far as whether it will leave a
favorable effect later, besides money...
...we'll know when the festival is over.
Uh, they're beautiful people.
Well is this festival
affecting you in any way?
Well, it's kind of overwhelming us.
Put it this way.
In what way?
Just to take care of,
to try to get the people fed,
I would say is one of the main
objectives here.
I know all these young fellows here,
they've got to be fed
and they're going to get hungry.
I hope that they can bring
enough supplies in for, for...
That seems to be the big trouble.
And traffic, that's... well, you know
yourself without me telling you.
What's it done for business?
Oh, come on.
What's it done?
Increased it about what?