
...which is kind of like
a big summer camp...

...after you've been
in county jail long enough.

See I just, just now got a letter.
I have it with me. About the trip from the
county jail. Manacles on his legs...

...and his arms manacled to his belt.
Well, I mean, it's all worth writing about.

He doesn't care, you know.
And there's only one time that...

...where the first time he felt afraid
in the whole thing, was a couple of...

...I guess guards, or something,
they started talking very loud.

And he started saying...
...talking about the last draft case
that they had been through...

...and "that motherfucker," and "we'll
get you, motherfucker," you know?

He just prayed a little bit harder.
He wouldn't do anything anyhow, but
it's not a very comfortable feeling.

But nothing has happened.
Anyway, this is, this
is an organizing song.

And I'm, I was happy to find out that...
...after David had been in jail
for two and a half weeks...

...he already had a very,
very good hunger strike...

...going on with forty-two
federal prisoners...

...none of whom were draft people.
"I dreamed I saw Joe
Hill last night..."

"...alive as you and me."
"Sez l, 'But Joe,
you're ten years dead!"'

"'I never died, ' said he."
"'The copper bosses
killed you, Joe!"'

"'They shot you, Joe, ' says I."
"'Takes more than guns
to kill a man'..."

"Says Joe, 'I didn't die!"'
