City McGee...
...please come immediately
to backstage right.
I understand your wife is having a baby.
John Sebastian!
This is really a mind
fucker of all times, man!
I've never seen anything like this, man!
It's Newport, right? But they owned it.
It was something else!
Just love everybody around you,
and clean up a little garbage...
...on your way out and everything
is going to be all right.
And Chip. My man, Chip.
Aw, you're doing so well, man.
He says to look out for the fence, too,
man. You have to look after the fence.
Like the, the press can only, can only say
bad things unless there ain't no fuck-ups.
And it's looking like there
ain't going to be any fuck-ups.
This is going to work!
I'd like to hear a tune about...
...I guess about those discussions
I was talking about that...
...small circles of friends
around living rooms...