And the more people got on it,
the lower it got.
About a year ago, I wouldn't have
believed this was the way to swim...
...but this is the way to swim!
It's the way to go all
the time, actually.
Think that's going to happen?
It's got to happen!
You go walking down the street
where all the cars were coming in...
...and it's just the first day,
and it was just beautiful!
Everybody is free.
Everybody is talking.
Everybody is really nude.
I don't think, uh, people
come here to get uptight.
They come here to dig what's going on.
And even if they don't get
into a festival, it's just a groove...
...being with all the people.
You know, you realize all over the
country, they're coming together.
You realize that you're not
the only people in your city...
...who are doing the things you are,
but they're everywhere.
We're taking over!
I think the body is beautiful.
I think skinny dipping is just beautiful
if, if you want to do it, if you can do it.
Some people can't, because all their...
...their environment made them,
you know, feel that it's wrong.
Even though they know in their
subconscious that it's right...
...it's kind of normal and natural, but
we've been made to feel that it's wrong.
Row, row, row!
"Row, row, row your boat,
gently down the stream..."
"...merrily, merrily, merrily,
merrily, life is but a dream."