-Wake up. Your father's home.
-Dear Father, l was asleep.
-Father, did you get my fiddle?
-Let me be a minute. Hold on.
l feel as lf l've been torn to pieces.
-Did you get my fiddle?
-Did you get the whip?
-Did you get it?
Patience. Let him get his breath.
You'll see everything soon enough.
Two whole days l took coming here.
The roads were that bad.
Now this isn't exactly
what you've been expecting...
...but let's say it's a gift from God.
He looks more like a gift from the devil.
-l'll not have gypsies in my house.
-He's not a gypsy.
l don't care what it is, you get shot of it.
-What? And let him starve?
-Why not?
Plenty more do.
What's so special about him
that makes you so fine and tender?
Nothing. Except l found him in Liverpool...
-...without a soul to--
-And no doubt found more besides.
There's no need to drag your doings here.
-You're too clever for me by half.
-And you're not clever enough.
-What will you do? Make him work?
-Aye, but no more than others.
We lost a son, didn't we?
Well, thanks be to God, we have another.
He can be a brother to them.
l've no doubt he is already.
All right, get the lad washed and cleaned.
Take him to sleep with the others.
-What's his name?
-His name?
Call him Heathcliff, after our first son.