Why don't you go with them?
But you....
What is it? What's the matter?
What's the matter?
My love....
Whatever happens....
l know that nothing's going to, but...
...l want you to remember:
You're the son of this house.
Everything must come to you.
The land, everything.
-Mother don't....
-lt's all got to come to you, not....
There's no need
to talk that way to the boy.
Neither of us is dead yet.
Promise me that our son
shall have what is his.
You promise me you'll prefer no other.
Never fear Mary, the Lord watches over us.
Hindley shall get what is due to him.
Maybe more besides.
Come on, lad.
Come on.
Despite Cathy's increasing affection
for Heathcliff...
...I could see from the start that
his presence bred ill-feeling in the family.
Less that two years
after his arrival at Wuthering Heights...
...Mrs. Earnshaw died,
never having offered him a kindly word.
Hindley, in his loneliness after her death...
...had special cause to resent the Master's
strange affection for the child...