Quick, come on.
Ruffians out in the grounds.
Quickly. Come on. Out.
They've gone round the back.
Get the dogs.
Where are they?
l'll give them a taste of this.
We've got 'em. A boy and a girl.
Attacking a magistrate's house
and on the Sabbath, too.
By God, they'll swing for this.
-Fasten the door Tom.
-lf she's hurt, you--
Come and see here. Don't be frightened.
-That's Miss Earnshaw.
-How can it be?
-lt is. She's from Wuthering Heights.
-l hope she's all right.
lt's not our fault.
She shouldn't be here in the first place.
This must be the young lascar
Earnshaw brought back from Liverpool.
Shut your mouth or l'll rip your tongue out,
fat bastard.
-Get him out of here.
-l'm not leaving here without her.
-Thank you. A delightful sermon, as usual.
-Thank you.
-See you for dinner on Wednesday.
-Thank you.
-Thank you very much indeed.
Cathy would like to stay with us
a few days longer.
l take it you have no objection?
lf she's not too much of a burden,
Mrs. Linton.
On the contrary, we shall be delighted,
so would the children.