Have you seen Heathcliff?
-lsn't he here?
Go on.
Do you think he's hiding somewhere?
lf he is he'll not be found
unless he wants to be.
We must find him.
He couldn't really have heard us, could he?
-What does it matter if he did?
-lt's Heathcliff l love, not Edgar.
Don't you understand?
Then why....
Because it's the only chance l have
to get Heathcliff away from Hindley.
Then we'll both be free.
You don't mean you'd take Edgar's money?
Of course.
Why else do you think l'd marry Edgar?
l know he loves me,
and it will be very nice to be his wife.
And l love him, too, but differently.
l don't just love Heathcliff. l am Heathcliff.
All my thoughts, all my actions are for him.
He's my only reason for living.