You look like a drowned rat.
She's not ill, is she? l don't want
any more sickness in the house.
What were you doing outside all night?
Chasing after lads like usual.
You weren't with Heathcliff, were you?
l never saw him.
lf you were, he can pack his bags
and get the hell out of here.
-l never saw him.
-l don't care.
l'm sick and tired of him in this house.
l was going to get rid of him.
You'll never have that pleasure
because he's gone.
This is a very bad fever.
Keep the others away
and feed her on gruel, whey and water.
Will you be coming back?
We'll see.
Hey, you girl.
You'd best go to see to your young lady.
-What again?
-She's screaming fit to bust.
lf you can hear, why don't you go and see?
l'll not set foot in there.
That's woman's work.
Then try some of this.