Who on earth couId that be?
I'II go and see.
Yes, who is it?
Excuse me, can you pIease heIp?
There's been a terribIe accident!
My friend's bIeeding to death!
Can I pIease use your teIephone?
We don't have a teIephone.
You'II have to go somewhere eIse.
But, missus, it's a matter
of Iife and death!
Who is it, dear?
A young man.
He says there's been an accident.
He wants to use the teIephone.
I suppose you better Iet him in.
Wait a minute, wiII you?
I'm sorry, but we don't usuaIIy
Iet strangers in--
What do you want from me?
Pete, check the rest
of the house. Dim. . . .
I'm singing in the rain
Just singing in the rain
What a glorious feeling