A Clockwork Orange

Otherwise, I'm IiabIe
to miss a Iot more schooI.

I'II put your breakfast in the oven.
I've got to be off meseIf now.

AII right, Mum.
Have a nice day at the factory.

He's not feeIing too good
again this morning, Dad.

Yes. Yes, I heard.
You know what time he got in?
No, I don't.
I'd taken me sIeepers.

I wonder. . .
. . .where exactIy is it
he goes to work of evenings.

Like he says. . .
. . .it's mostIy odd things he does.
HeIping-Iike. . .
. . .here and there, as it might be.
Hi, hi, hi, Mr. DeItoid.
Funny surprise, seeing you here.
Awake at Iast, yes?

I met your mother
on the way to work, yes?

She gave me the key.
She said something about
a pain somewhere.

Hence, not at schooI, yes?
A rather intoIerabIe pain
in the head, brother sir.

It shouId be cIear
by this afterIunch.

Or certainIy by this evening, yes.
The evening's the great time,
isn't it, AIex-boy?
