It's this health farm.
A bit out of the town.
It's owned by this rich ptitsa
who lives there with her cats.
The place is shut down for a week
and she's completely on her own.
It's full up with, like,
gold and silver...
...and, like, Jewels.
Tell me more, Georgie-boy.
Tell me more.
Oh, shit!
Who's there?
Excuse me, can you pIease heIp?
There's been a terribIe accident!
Can I pIease use your teIephone
for an ambuIance?
I'm frightfuIIy sorry.
There's a teIephone in the
pubIic house a miIe down the road.
I suggest you use that.
But missus, this is an emergency!
It's a matter of Iife and death!
Me friend's Iying in the middIe
of the road, bIeeding to death!
I'm very sorry, but I never open
the door to strangers after dark.
Very weII, madam.
You can't be bIamed
for being suspicious. . .
. . .with so many scoundreIs
and rogues of the night about.
I'II try and get heIp
at the pub, then.
I'm sorry if I disturbed you.
Thank you very much.
Good night.