A Clockwork Orange

Who are you?
How the heII did you get in here?
What the bIoody heII
do you think you're doing?

Naughty, naughty, naughty!
You fiIthy oId soomaka.
Now Iisten here,
you IittIe bastard!

Just turn round and waIk out
of here the same way you came in.

Leave that aIone!
Don't touch it!

It's a very important work of art.
What the bIoody heII do you want?
To be perfectIy honest, madam. . .
. . .I'm taking part in an
internationaI students' contest. . .

. . .to see who can get the most
points for seIIing magazines.

Cut the shit, sonny. . .
. . .and get out of here before you
get yourseIf into serious troubIe.

I toId you to Ieave that aIone!
Now get out of here. . .

. . .before I throw you out!
Wretched, sIummy bedbug!
I'II teach you to break
into reaI peopIe's houses.

Fucking. . .
. . .IittIe. . .
. . .bastard!
