The shock sending my dada beating
his bruised and krovvy rookers...
...against unfair Bog
in His Heaven.
And my mum boo-hoo-hooing
in her mother's grief...
...at her only child
and son of her bosom...
...like, letting everybody down
real horrorshow.
One up from Thames, mister.
Right! Open up the ceII!
Yes, sir.
Here are the prisoner's
committaI forms.
Thank you, mister.
-AIexander DeLarge.
You are now in
H.M. Prison Parkmoor.
From this moment, you wiII address
aII prison officers as ''sir. ''
AIexander DeLarge, sir.
1 4 years, sir.
Murder, sir.
Take the cuffs off him, mister.
You are now 655321 .
It is your duty
to memorize that number.
Thank you, mister. WeII done.
-Thank you.
-Let the officer out.
AII right, empty your pockets.
Are you abIe to see the white Iine
painted on the fIoor. . .
. . .directIy behind you. . .
. . .655321 ?
Then your toes beIong. . .
. . .on the other side of it!
-Yes, sir.
Carry on.