A Clockwork Orange

Anything eIse in your pockets?
-No, sir.

Sign here for your
vaIuabIe property.

The tobacco and chocoIate
you brought in. . .

. . .you Iose that. . .
. . .as you are now convicted.
Now over to the tabIe
and get undressed.

Were you in poIice custody
this morning?

One jacket, bIue pinstriped.
Prison custody?
Yes, sir, on remand.
-One necktie, bIue.

C. of E., sir.
Do you mean the Church of EngIand?
Yes, sir.
The Church of EngIand.

Brown hair, isn't it?
Fair hair, sir.
BIue eyes?
BIue, sir.
Do you wear eyegIasses
or contact Ienses?

No, sir.
One shirt, bIue.
CoIIar attached.

Have you been receiving medicaI
treatment for any serious iIIness?

One pair of boots, bIack Ieather.
Zippered. Worn.

Have you ever had
any mentaI iIIness?

Do you wear any faIse teeth
or any faIse Iimbs?

One pair of trousers,
bIue pinstriped.

Have you ever had any attacks
of fainting or dizziness?

One pair of socks, bIack.
Are you an epiIeptic?
One pair of underpants,
white with bIue waistband.

Are you now, or have you ever been,
a homosexuaI?

-The mothbaIIs, mister.
-MothbaIIs, sir.

Now then, face the waII. . .
. . .bend over and touch your toes.
Any venereaI disease?
Crabs? Lice?
-Through there for the bath.
-One for a bath.

What's it going to be, eh?
Is it going to be in and out
of institutions Iike this. . .
