
It's funny, I had this dream
that I've had since I was a child.

I had it again one night last week.
Where I'm...
I have to tell you something
and I don't know how to break it.

- Fielding...
- Why? ls something the matter?

Have you seen X-rays of me?
I saw X-rays of you.
- I fail to see the humour of this.
- You didn't see the X-rays.

- Tell me what's the matter.
- Nothing.

You know when your heart beats?
Well, my heart is beating.

I just don't think we should
see each other any more.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- I'm sorry.
- Why? What's the matter?

There's just something missing
for me and I don't know what.

What do you mean?
Something missing from me?

- Yes.
- What do you mean? Like what?

Can you say what is missing from me?
No. Maybe if you could guess
a few things, I could try.

- What do you mean? Can you tell me?
- I don't know what's missing.

- Is it personality or looks?
- Well, no.
