Big Jake

in Kansas and Missouri.
Said to have murdered
more than a dozen men...

one for as little
as seven dollars.

Trooper... name unknown.
A back-shooter.
Considered a coward.

Reputed to have been
a cavalry soldier
sometime in the past

but not to the personal
knowledge of his confederates.

William Fain,
younger of the Fain brothers.

Favors a shotgun... a Greener...
for its bloody killing effect
at short range.

James William Duffy.
At age 14, killed his first man
who was an admirer
of his prostitute mother.

Dead shot with a rifle.
William Devries... young Billy.
Not quite 21.
This raid was thought
to have been
his first outlaw act.

Walt Devries, his older brother
by 20 years.

He looks
more like an Iowa farmer

than a professional killer.
John Goodfellow...
may be the worst of them.

An indiscriminate killer.
Women, children,
no consequence at all.

Prefers to work close.
Favors a razor-edged machete.
John Fain... sometimes peace
officer and bounty hunter.

Served with distinction during
the Spanish-American War.

Professional soldier

Now between wars.
Currently banks,
trains, killings

and responsible for organizing
the infamous McCandles Raid.

Morning, Pancho.
Good morning.
Child, you need some air.
