You all right?
For an old mule, he's got
quite a kick, don't he?
I think he was using
brass knuckles.
Better mount up
before we lose him.
Wonder what the hell
he has in store for us next.
You know, that's a dirty
habit, if you ask me.
Nobody asked you.
You need to wear
glasses, do ya?
Just to see with.
They say that Ma
booted you out
'cause you had a weakness
for the ladies.
Is that true?
I mean, no offense,
but I find that hard to believe.
What do you find
hard to believe?
James, cut it out.
I mean, maybe
before you got old
you was quite
a ladies... ooh!
What's the matter
with your leg?
You been favoring it all day.
What's the matter with it?
I got hit by some buckshot,
that's all.
Take down your pants.