and your high moral tone,
I hope you don't get killed
before this thing's over.
We'll wait.
You won't have to.
He's coming in.
James, come on.
Hello to camp.
Can I come in?
Come on in and welcome.
I was hoping for
a cup of coffee
but you're running
a cold camp here.
How about a peach?
No, that's hurts my teeth.
Well, I got hooked on these
when I was a younker.
Could never get my fill.
Oh, hell, mister,
you don't need that.
I'm not a damn fool.
I know you got
three or four men
out there watching me.
Can I move my hand?
Go ahead.
That's my bona fides.
Well, I hope that boy
don't catch a cold.
That would cause me
great annoyance and displeasure.
Mister, that just scares
the hell out of me...
the thought that you
might be annoyed.
I'm glad to hear that.
Now, did you come here
to give me a message
or just to pass the time of day?
From here you go to Escondero.
You wait there
till you hear from us.
You've been following us two,
maybe three days.
Why did you wait so long?
I haven't been following you.
I've been waiting right here
just like the map says.
Hey... that the money?