Venga aqui.
Si, señor.
There's a cantina
at the far edge of town
named Sanchez's.
You know it?
Si, señor.
You go there and buy me
a bottle of tequila.
Pero la cantina
esta aqui cerca.
Nowhere else, mind you.
Now, they have a brand
special for me.
Now, that's what I want.
Go fetch it.
Si, señor.
guess I'm finished.
You stay right where you are.
Unless you want
to hurry things.
Take your choice.
No hurry.
No hurry at all.
But I could use
those clothes over there.
I'm getting a little cold.
You don't shut up
and stay where you are,
you'll be a lot colder.
Protect yourself with this.
Why don't you
buy me a drink now?
Well, I thought
we was leaving.
Am I too heavy?
No, not at all.
Hey, you...
with that fancy holster on.